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Energy Healing

Energy Healing



What is Kinesiology and how does it work ?

Kinesiology is a holistic approach to wellness that looks at the body and mind as a whole. It uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to identify and relieve imbalances whether they be physical, emotional, psychological, or energetic.

Origin and history of Kinesiology:

Research into kinesiology began in the 1960s when Dr. George Goodheart DC discovered that muscle monitoring could be used to gather information from the body about what is happening in the subconscious mind, that can affect underlying causes of health issues.  Since then, kinesiology has evolved into a well-recognised therapy that is practised in over 100 countries and is gaining popularity all over the world.

How does Kinesiology work?

Kinesiologists identify imbalances or stress in your system and relieves these through a combination of Western and Eastern practices.  

They may monitor one muscle or a combination of muscles to accurately define where the stress in the body or energetic field is located, as well as what emotions may be underlying the pattern.  They then test for what is needed to correct the imbalance.  

The practitioner may use techniques such as vibrational medicine, holding acupressure points, using flower essences, nutritional remedies, structural corrections, counselling or sound tools, to shift emotions, limiting beliefs and unblock stagnant energy pathways, to bring the system back to homeostasis.

While kinesiologists do not diagnose, they focus on restoring balance to the body's natural internal energies to allow it to heal. 

What are the benefits of Kinesiology?

Kinesiology may assist in correcting physical imbalances as well as promoting overall wellbeing, and can focus on areas of personal development, shifting through stagnant energy patterns. 

Kinesiology can benefit conditions such as:
  • Addiction
  • Allergy
  • Anxiety
  • Autoimmune issues
  • Brain function
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Concentration or learning difficulties
  • Confidence
  • Depression 
  • Digestive issues
  • Eczema 
  • Energy
  • Fatigue
  • Fears and phobias
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Immune system issues
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Physical pain issues
  • Psoriasis
  • Purpose
  • Reproductive health
  • Sleep 
  • Trauma.
  • Weight loss, and more

The natural, non-invasive approach to wellness that kinesiology offers has been known to provide excellent results for many people.

What a typical Kinesiology session may look like:

When you attend your first kinesiology session, your practitioner will discuss any issues and take a history that covers many aspects of your health. Your practitioner will then help you define what you would like to achieve from the treatment. Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what you want, many people come to their first session lacking clarity.

Most of your treatment will take place where you lay fully clothed on a massaged table. 
Your kinesiologist uses muscle testing in combination with acupressure points (without needles) to determine where there are imbalances in the energetic system. They may test one muscle or combination of muscles to accurately define where stress is located within the system.

When stress is located, your kinesiologist may use a number of techniques such as vibrational medicine including holding acupoints, using flower essences or sound tools to correct the imbalance and unblock the stagnant energy pathways and help restore balance to the system.

Your kinesiologist may find that emotional stress is a contributing factor in the imbalance and so they may have a chat with you about this to help you become aware of how it relates to the problem. When emotional stress is brought into conscious awareness it is so much easier to integrate and release.

Your session should then finish with a summary of what has taken place within the session and some tools and techniques to be implemented or lifestyle changes which may be necessary for your healing and wellbeing.

Kinesiology session

Kinesiology session - Aftercare:

Aftercare following a kinesiology session is an important part of the overall process, as it allows the body and mind to integrate and respond to the changes that have been made during the session. 

It is recommended to follow any advice given by the kinesiologist that may help support your body and energetic system as it adjusts.

One common aftercare recommendation is to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This can help to flush out any build-up that may have been released during the session, and it can also help to support the body's natural healing processes.

Some people may also experience mild side effects, such as fatigue, headache, or emotional release after a kinesiology session, so it is important to listen to your body and rest if needed.

In addition to physical aftercare, you may like to include setting aside time for self-care activities, such as meditation, yoga, or journaling, to help process any emotions or insights that may have come up during the session.

Is There Scientific Evidence Supporting Kinesiology ?

Kinesiology, as a holistic therapy, integrates principles from both Western and Eastern medicine to promote overall well-being. While its primary tool, muscle monitoring, may seem unconventional to some, there is ongoing research exploring its efficacy and mechanisms.
Research into muscle monitoring suggests it reflects changes in autonomic nervous system activity and correlates with emotional states, indicating potential applications in stress management and holistic health.
Drawing from neurophysiology and energy medicine principles, kinesiology proposes that muscle responses offer insights into nervous system function and energy flow, aligning with concepts in acupuncture. Despite varying empirical support, ongoing studies seek to standardize protocols and explore clinical applications, aiming to enhance its credibility and efficacy in promoting overall well-being.

Can Spinal Energetics complement other holistic practices ?

Kinesiology often complements and integrates well with various other modalities, enhancing its effectiveness in addressing a wide range of health and wellness concerns. 
  • Acupuncture: Practitioners often combine muscle monitoring with acupuncture, leveraging both disciplines' understanding of energy flow and meridian balance.
  • Massage therapy: massage therapy supports kinesiology by addressing physical tension identified during sessions, promoting circulation and structural alignment.
  • Mindfulness and meditation: these practices complement kinesiology by fostering mental clarity and emotional integration post-session.
  • Energy healing: modalities like Reiki further support kinesiology's goals by clearing energetic blockages and promoting balance.
  • Counseling: Counseling techniques are also integrated to address underlying emotional and psychological factors, offering clients deeper insight and holistic healing.
  • Herbal medicine: Herbal medicine and essential oils are sometimes recommended to support the body's natural healing processes.

Together, these integrative approaches allow kinesiology to provide a comprehensive approach to wellness, addressing physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances for holistic health enhancement.

How to choose a kinesiologist ?

Different Kinesiologists have different areas of focus, for example, you might find a practitioner that practices Sports Kinesiology that works on structure and repairing the physical body, whereas others might focus more on personal development and energetic practices. 

Sacha Stewart, for example, blends her experience as a kinesiologist, mind body practitioner and mindset coach to encourage her clients to tap into their own inner wisdom, to understand how they can grow and expand, as well as give them practical tools to create wellbeing and peace in their life.
If you are unsure, many practitioners also offer free introductory calls. 

"Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose"

Eckhart Tolle

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