The first thing that happens in a kinesiology session is I will talk through what is going on for you emotionally, and physically and any blocks you may be facing.
I use muscle monitoring to set up a path of communication between your mind and body. To do this I engage the muscle on your arm to monitor states of lock or unlock, when the muscle unlocks this is a sign that there is a stress or block between the muscle and your nervous system due to a physical, emotional, mental or energetic imbalance. In essence it’s like a bio-computer giving a readout.
It shows me what is going on beneath the surface so you can begin to understand what’s holding you back, and the feedback I receive uncovers the patterns and belief systems that are playing out for you and where they may have come from.
As we go through the session we discuss what comes up, how it applies to your life, and I invite you to tap into your own insights and inner knowing. I also work quite intuitively and I may share any messages that come up as to what might be present as well.
I will then muscle monitor to see what needs to be done to correct the imbalance, or to shift the emotion.
There are many different avenues to balance and bring you back into homeostasis, or you could call it alignment.
I use the Traditional Chinese meridian system, the chakra system and your energetic body, to ascertain where the imbalance is stored. Then I begin to release and correct those blocks for you, using various techniques.
Everything from acupressure, to brain function processes, nutritional remedies and counselling, to the more metaphysical treatments such as energy work, flower essences, crystals, essential oils, sound, and oracle cards.
A session can incorporate a range of these tools, whether we are working together in person or online.
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