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Natural Medicine

Natural Medicine

HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis)

HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis)

What is HTMA (Hair, Tissue Mineral Analysis) and How does it work?


A single piece of hair can reveal a lot of information about you and your health. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a safe and non-invasive pathology test that measures the levels and comparative ratios of nutrients and toxic minerals found in hair. It is considered to be the most valuable screen tool in preventative health care. When minerals are examined in the hair, it reflects what is in your body’s tissues, so if your body is lacking in a mineral or if there is too much, then it signals that there may be an issue in your body or you may have problems absorbing certain minerals. 


What can hair reveal about our overall health?

A hair analysis can reveal valuable information about your body’s mineral balance. It can determine if you have deficiencies or excess minerals, or if there is toxicity or a mineral absorption issue. It can also reveal:

  • Your metabolic rate

  • Immune health

  • Mental health

  • Nervous system imbalances

  • Liver and Kidney stress

  • Diabetes and insulin resistance

  • Energy levels and fatigue

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Adrenal and thyroid function


Why test for minerals and heavy metals?

Minerals are essential for healing, growth, and wellbeing. It supports your teeth and bones, maintains the body’s pH, water balance, nerve activity, energy production and enzyme reactions. We should be getting all our minerals from a balanced diet however, in today’s world it can be difficult, many fertilisers, farming techniques reduce the mineral contents of food. Environmental pollutants, and chemical additives found in foods can also affect nutrient and mineral status. 

Many health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and migraines can affect mineral imbalances and toxic metal excesses. 


Essential minerals that are analysed:

The most common essential minerals that are analysed include calcium to look at bone, teeth health, and muscle function, magnesium for energy production, muscle and nerve function, sodium for fluid balance, potassium for heart function, and nerve signaling, copper for iron metabolism, and connective tissue formation and zinc to look at immune function, and wound healing. HTMA looks at a range of other minerals such as phosphorus, iron, manganese, chromium, selenium and boron.


What are the benefits of HTMA?

There are many benefits involved in HTMA, these include:

  • It provides reliable data on more than 35 essential minerals as well as toxic heavy metals, and over 25 important mineral ratios

  • Provides valuable health information that is not revealed in standard blood or urine tests

  • Allows you to discover nutrient mineral imbalances or toxic heavy metal or minerals that may be affecting your health

  • Personalised interpretive report that assesses your current mineral statuses, highlights areas of concern and recommendations to make to your diet and supplements that may be needed to improve health and wellbeing.


The HTMA process and what it involves:

A small hair sample is usually collected and taken to a pathology laboratory and is then tested and analysed. The laboratory uses advanced technology to determine the level of minerals found in your hair. A trained practitioner then interprets the results and identifies your mineral imbalances and deficiencies.


HTMA for specific populations:

There are specific populations that may benefit from HTMA, 

Children and adolescents - growing bodies need more nutrients, early detection of mineral imbalances that may affect growth and development, and identifying potential learning and behavioural issues that may be linked to mineral levels. 

Pregnant and breastfeeding women: - There is an increased need for nutrition, vitamins and minerals during pregnancy and lactation, HTMA can ensure optimal mineral balance in the fetus’ development, it also monitors toxic metal levels that could impact the fetus.

Athletes: - Assesses mineral loss through intense physical activity, enhances performance and endurance through adequate mineral balance. Monitors electrolyte balance to prevent fatigue and cramping when training and performing.  

Elderly individuals: - HTMA can address age related changes in mineral absorption and metabolism, track bone health through checking calcium and other minerals, identify deficiencies that are common in the elderly such as zinc and magnesium. 

Individuals with Chronic Health Conditions: - HTMA can help monitor health issues such as diabetes as it tracks mineral imbalances that affect insulin sensitivity, it can be helpful for individuals with cardiovascular disease as it can determine electrolyte balance and being exposed to toxic metals. 

Preparing for a HTMA test:

Scalp hair should only be used for analysis. The portion of hair should be freshly washed with plain shampoo (not anti-dandruff), well rinsed and untreated, meaning it should not be dyed, permed or bleached. The hair should be free of hair creams and gels prior to getting analysed and tested. 


Case studies: how HTMA has helped individuals:


  1. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

Patient: Sarah, 35 year old female

Symptoms: Extreme fatigue, brain fog, muscle pain

HTMA findings: severe magnesium deficiency, high copper levels

Solutions: magnesium supplements, dietary changes to lower copper levels

Outcomes: major improvement in energy levels within 3 months


2. Unexplained Weight Gain:

Patient: John, 42 year old male

Symptoms: weight gain despite exercise and dieting, mood swings

HTMA findings: low thyroid function, minerals imbalanced 

Solutions: iodine supplementation, eating selenium rich foods

Outcomes: Normal thyroid function, improvements in mood 


3. Recurring headaches:

Patient: Emily, 28 year old female

Symptoms: Frequent migraines, sensitive to light

HTMA findings: high levels of lead, low magnesium levels

Solution: Chelation therapy, magnesium supplements, changes in diet

Outcomes: Reduced headaches within 2 months


How to choose a qualified HTMA practitioner:

Selecting the right HTMA practitioner is crucial for getting the most accurate results and effective treatment plans. It is important to look for a practitioner with relevant health certifications and credentials, and if they have undergone specific HTMA training. Bodhi Holistic Hub provides a platform for a diverse range of qualified practitioners for different holistic practices who can help in various health and well-being concerns.


"Nurturing yourself is not selfish - it's essential to your survival and well-being."

Renee Peterson Trudeau

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